Feelings & Feelings

Feelings & Feelings

giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

The Lady Poetry Does Not Love Poets

Captured the languid glow of crystal balls:

a cold music of star's blades

then only silence.

A pale leaf of end season is old hope.

Oxides or leaden blue beats

for a tramp in his own body?

Madame does not like the poets

of the night General

lysis by elbows with red eyes


between noisy scooters

between coffee tables

with thin smiles rainbows:


new illusions of adolescents.

Note: The piece was originally written in Italian. Translating poetry is almost impossible. To be translated: the meaning, rhythm, sound, the ambiguity of terms, and the different reading levels. Therefore this translation (poor thing) should give only an idea at all. The original version in Italian is as follows:

Gli Amori di Madama Poesia

Catturo languidi bagliori

da sfere di cristallo:

una fredda musica di lame


solo silenzio stellare.

Una foglia pallida

a fine stagione


vecchia speranza.

Ossidi plumbei


palpiti azzurri

per un vagabondo nel suo stesso corpo?

Madama non ama i poeti:

generali della notte dai gomiti lisi

con gli occhi arrossati


tra rumorosi motorini

tra tavolini di caffè


ad esili arcobaleni:

sfumate illusioni

di nuovi adolescenti

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