Feelings & Feelings

Feelings & Feelings

mercoledì 12 gennaio 2011

Verso Est in Cantiere (Poesie di Fabbrica) - Going to East from the Shipyard

Really going to different paths

leaving the rust inside the yard

leaving the past myths iside the walls,

leaving the fear to the guards,

leaving the bows to the cranes,

turning backs to the sunset

that colors the suit on the back,

eyes more acute,

bold, in the dark.

I will venture to fight

with all the hands

for building ships

destroying blades

Note: The piece was originally written in Italian. Translating poetry is almost impossible. To be translated: the meaning, rhythm, sound, the ambiguity of terms, and the different reading levels. Therefore this translation (poor thing) should give only an idea at all. The original version in Italian is as follows:

Andare davvero per rotte diverse

la ruggine lasciando al cantiere

i miti passati dentro le mura,

la paura ai guardiani,

gli inchini alle gru,

voltando le spalle al tramonto

che colora la tuta di schiena,

occhi più acuti,

sfacciati, nel buio.

Mi spingo alla lotta

con tutte le mani che sfanno lamiere.

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